
Parents play an important part in the career development of their children. The CEAV is currently developing resources for parents, carers, foster parents, guardians and other significant adults to start the career conversation with their children.

Myth 1

 I don’t have a career because I don’t work.

In the past, people thought of their career as connected only to paid employment.  Women who stayed at home to care for children and their families often did not consider that they had a career.

Working is a broad term that applies to many different activities in today’s society. The world of work is ever expanding and with opportunities for flexible work environments, work is managed differently than in the past. In the past you started at the bottom and progressed up the ladder in your field of work, often in the same job for 30 to 40 years.  For our children things will be different.  Today, they can expect more than 5 career changes and between 15 and 20 job changes across their life time.

Fact 1     

Career means more than just a paid job.

Today a career means more than just a paid job.  As people grow and develop their skills in language, mathematics, science, geography and there culture, they are learning about the world of work and their place in it. They are developing their career knowledge. 

Career today means, all your life experiences including study, training, paid work, unpaid work and volunteering. Parents build many skills in their career when raising and teaching their children including but not limited to transferrable skills such as:

  • Managing and handling difficult situations
  • Multi-tasking and co-ordinating
  • Networking
  • Supporting their child’s technology needs
  • Managing family finances & budgets


These are all skills that can be transferred to paid employment. 



Engaging Parents Helpful Hints

Engaging Parents Helpful Hints - Arabic

Engaging Parents Helpful Hints - Greek

Engaging Parents Helpful Hints - Italian

Engaging Parents Helpful Hints - Vietnamese

Engaging Parents Helpful Hints - Chinese

Learning pathways Diagram

Guidelines for assessing quality RTO's 

Pathways for Education Training and Employment Victoria